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How Can You Track a Cell Phone With Other Party Knowing
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Tracking a cell phone location is non something you only see in movies. As a matter of fact, a lot of people commonly apply cell phone tracking apps to know where their loved ones are. Non only that, even employers use phone tracking on their employees' devices.

Tracking a cell phone location is not just a matter of comfort or convenience anymore. With all the crime going on out there, knowing the exact location of your family members lets you know that they are prophylactic and no damage is upon them.

When it comes to your partner, if you are suspicious about them cheating, tracking their cell phone location is a adept style of finding out if your suspicions are true. There is nothing better than tracking their jail cell telephone location without them knowing, which is too possible by the manner.

Simply partners aren't the merely ones who tin can rail you. Enemies and fraudsters oft employ tracking to obtain data and materials for bribery. People from the business sector are mostly subjected to hacker attacks. A perfect solution to protect your data become a VPN. VeePN VPN features let you lot to encrypt data from intruders. This prevention method is ane of the most effective.

If you're wondering how to rails a phone , in that location are a lot of ways to do it. Nonetheless, each way has its own benefits. Besides, not every way can give you someone'due south location without them finding out about it.

Therefore, I will tell you near a lot of these ways today. You lot are going to acquire:

  • Tracking a jail cell telephone location of a known person secretly

  • Tracking someone (fifty-fifty a stranger) through their cell phone number lonely

  • Tracking a prison cell phone location completely free

Part 1: How to Runway a Prison cell Phone Location Without Them Knowing

Tracking a cell phone location is not every bit difficult as y'all idea information technology to be. In fact, it is one of the easiest things to exercise, fifty-fifty if y'all want to practice it without the other person finding out nigh information technology. Therefore, without making y'all wait, allow us beginning with this cool way to runway a jail cell telephone location:

1.1 Minspy- The Ninja Way to Rail a Prison cell Phone

If you desire to secretly rails a cell telephone location, Minspy is the perfect way to exercise it. It is a phone tracking app that comes for Android and iOS devices. With Minspy, you tin can learn about the phone location of any person even if they are on a whole unlike corner of the earth.

Minspy is then cool that countless people utilise it to know if their children are safe at school and their partner is at work or wherever they are supposed to be. I had a friend who almost had a center attack when his child was a few hours belatedly from schoolhouse. He has e'er tracked his child'south location using Minspy, and never fifty-fifty ad to worry.

Here are a few of the reasons for you to love Minspy:

Benefits of Minspy Location Tracker

Web App

You can rails anyone's location without installing any app on your phone or computer if you are using Minspy. This is because Minspy can open in any web browser through its web based dashboard.

Secret Phone Tracking

When you are using Minspy phone tracker, your tracking target will never know that you lot are keeping an center on their location. This is because of the unique style in which Minspy works. I volition get to that soon in a while.

No Root or Jailbreak Needed

Almost all phone tracking apps that can track a prison cell telephone location secretly ask yous to root or jailbreak the target device. However, Minspy can get any cell phone'southward location secretly without asking you to root or jailbreak the target device.

No Technical Knowledge Needed

Y'all won't need any knowledge of tech to use Minspy. While information technology seems like James Bond level of technology when information technology works, it doesn't require you to have the same level of skill. You simply need to know how to utilise a web browser, which yous already practise.

Minspy'southward Location Tracker

When you are tracking someone's jail cell phone location with Minspy, the following features will come in handy:

Live Location Tracker

With Minspy, y'all can see the live location of the device at whatsoever time. Not simply that, just you also get to see the recent locations of the person along with the time stamps. Therefore, you tin know where the person has been fifty-fifty when you weren't checking.


The Geofencing feature is the adjacent big thing in location tracking. With Geofencing, you tin can set boundaries on the location of the other person's telephone on the map. If they ever cross these boundaries, you will get an alert immediately.

There are a lot of other things that y'all will love when tracking someone's telephone with Minspy. However, it is a good idea to encounter them yourself by checking out Minspy demo, bachelor for free on the website. There is no registration or software installation required to bank check it out!

How Minspy's 'Underground' Location Tracking Works

When Minspy tracks someone's prison cell phone location for yous, they never find out about information technology. It is in a way like a individual detective, minus all the money wasted and the chances of y'all beingness creepy. Let me detail you how Minspy works:

When it comes to tracking an iPhone location (or for any other iOS device), Minspy won't ask you to affect the target phone even one time. Since all iPhones come with the iCloud installed on the device, the location (and other information) of an iPhone gets uploaded to the iCloud servers.

Minspy utilizes this information to excerpt important information nigh the target device, such equally their location. Therefore, to track anyone's location secretly, you can just verify their iCloud credentials with Minspy. After that, y'all can rail their location any fourth dimension remotely without them knowing.

When it comes to tracking an Android location, things are a trivial different. Yous demand to install the telephone tracking app on the target Android device in order to rails it, regardless of whether you want to do information technology secretly or not.

You lot might be wondering if you install the telephone tracking app on the target device, how will it be a secret anymore? Well, that is because Minspy is there to help, with its unique Android design.

Minspy's Android app is less than 2 MB in size, and it installs inside a matter of seconds. In one case you take installed information technology, the app icon completely vanishes from the app menu of the target phone. Only you can bring it back with a cloak-and-dagger code.

The app runs in the groundwork without triggering any notifications. In fact, it is designed to not consume any battery also. The best function is that if yous ever feel like uninstalling the app, y'all can practise it remotely from the Minspy dashboard (that, if you lot recall, opens in any web browser you choose).

1.2 How to Secretly Rails A Cell Phone Location Without Them Knowing

To go along things simple and easy to empathize, let me detail the steps to track an Android phone location in this section, and for the iPhones in the side by side department.

Therefore, if y'all want to know how to rails an Android device, follow these steps:

Footstep ane: Register for a Minspy business relationship and get a subscription program for Android devices. I suggest going for the long term to avoid regular renewals and for more than savings.

Step 2: Download and install the Minspy app on the target device. As I mentioned before, you won't accept to worry about them finding out near it.

Step three: Click on 'Outset' and you are gear up to monitor the target device.

Once you click on 'Start', you lot will be taken to your dashboard. You can use all of the Minspy'due south awesome features from here. To use the location tracker, yous can click on the 'Locations' tab or the 'Geofence' tab.

Role 2: How to Track A Cell Phone Location Without Installing Software

In the previous section, we got to know how y'all can rails anyone'south location secretly when they are using an Android telephone. However, what will you do if they are using an iPhone? Well, you lot tin can just follow the steps that I mention here and have nothing to worry about.

ii.1 Steps to Track an iPhone Secretly

Compared to their Android counterparts, Apple devices aren't as customizable. You lot aren't met with as many phone tricks and features - some Android devices even smart-lock depending on their location. Yous'd call back it'd be harder to track them.

That'due south why it's surprising that you can easily exercise and so without software.  if you want to track the location of an iPhone completely free, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Register for Minspy and become a subscription programme for iOS. Information technology works for iPhones, iPads, and each and every device running on iOS, regardless of the version.

Pace 2: Verify the iCloud credentials of the target device with Minspy. This information is completely secure and non stored on Minspy'due south servers, or accessible to anyone other than you.

Step three: Click on 'Start' and you are fix to monitor your device.

Once you click on the 'Commencement' push button, you volition be taken to your dashboard. Every Minspy feature can be used from here.

Also Read: How to Track an iPhone By Number Online Free

Part iii: How to Runway Someone Past Cell Phone Number Without Them Knowing

The means we read about and then far work simply if the person you want to track is someone you know, like a family member or an employee. However, what is the scenario that is quite different from what we discussed?

For example, you might be getting missed calls from a number you lot don't really identify. Or perhaps yous monitored your partner's telephone with Minspy and found that their call logs have a number you lot don't know, and you want to notice out who it really belongs to.

In such cases, the method that I am going to advise you will piece of work like a charm:

3.1 eyeZy- keeping an eye on your loved ones.

eyeZy is an extremely powerful app that tin can help put your listen at ease by helping yous secretly track a cell phone location. eyeZy lets you run into the location of a specific device and it goes way beyond only seeing their location on a map.

The monitoring app includes an innovative feature called Magic Alerts. Once yous install eyeZy on their telephone, yous can go into your Command Panel and set specific locations for eyeZy to monitor. If the person with the device y'all're monitoring enters or exits those locations, eyeZy notifies you and so you'll know where they are and where they're going.

Helping you notice their location is merely one small function that makes eyeZy so special. The monitoring app does fashion more than than simply jail cell phone location tracking. It also lets y'all come across their activity on their phone, so you can paint a complete moving picture of what's going on in their digital world.

I of the principal features that makes eyeZy and then attractive is Social Spotlight. If you've always wondered what they're proverb in their private conversations on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Line, Skype, Instagram, and even Tinder, eyeZy shows you lot. It lifts the curtains and invites you lot into their conversations, then you'll always know what they're saying and to whom they're saying it. That includes the words they utilize in those chats and the pictures/videos they've sent and received. If information technology's in the conversation window, yous tin see it.

eyeZy also lets you come across what they're saying in their regular text letters, so no affair where they're having conversations, you'll know about it. And when information technology comes to regular vocalisation calls, eyeZy gives you lot access to their phone call history, consummate with date and fourth dimension stamps, plus phone call durations.

Impressed? Nosotros've barely scratched the surface. eyeZy also includes Web Magnifier, a tool that lets y'all run across their web history, including search history and bookmarks. And with Connectedness Blocker, y'all can end them from visiting certain websites, using certain apps, or accessing certain Wi-Fi networks.

Bottom line? At that place's a lot of power baked right into eyeZy. And if you're looking for an app to runway their location and give you way more phone tracking features than you even knew existed, eyeZy is definitely worth exploring further.

three.2 Zosearch- Rail Anyone Just through the Number

Zosearch is similar a directory of all the people that are present on the net. If you want information on any person, no matter how little you know about them, Zosearch is the way to go.

The best matter about Zosearch is that it gives you the data near a person that they don't fifty-fifty know exists on the internet. This includes their identity, home address, office accost, their groundwork, and and so much more data (even their criminal records likewise).

The second all-time thing virtually Zosearch is that using it is equally piece of cake equally using a search engine like Google. Still, I would take yous through the steps for the sake of clarity:

3.3 How to Track a Cell Phone Number

Tracking a prison cell telephone number through Zosearch is mostly known as reverse phone lookup. In order to exercise so, you just accept to follow these steps:

Pace 1: Go to the website of Zosearch and click on the pick that says 'Phone Lookup'. Don't worry, it is right on the homepage and non hard to find at all. There are besides other ways to rail a person'south data, including: search past name, search by address, and search by electronic mail.

Stride ii: Enter the phone number of the person about whom you want to get the information.

Step 3: Click on 'Start Search' and Zosearch will practice its magic for you lot, completely free.

You will run across the results of people who match your search. You will know the name of the person who owns the phone number and everything in that location is to know well-nigh them.

Role 4: App to Track Phone Without Them Knowing

While the methods I discussed to a higher place will include every possible scenario in which you will need a phone location tracking app, hither I will tell you about another way through which you tin use the inbuilt feature in your iPhone to know someone'south jail cell phone location.

However, yous should keep in listen that this method does not offer you lot all the extra features that y'all get with Minspy. Further, you lot cannot utilise it to track a cell phone number of a person yous don't know. Lastly, if you lot want a stealth cell phone tracker, y'all should opt for Minspy.

iv.1 Find My iPhone- Rails an iPhone Location For Complimentary

If you desire to runway the location of an iPhone completely gratis, you lot tin follow these steps:

Step 1: Make certain that you lot have enabled the 'Find My iPhone' feature on the iPhone that you want to track. To enable this characteristic, you tin can go to 'Settings' and click on the top pick where your Apple tree ID name is written. Then go to the 'iCloud' option and enable the feature that says 'Find My iPhone'.

Step 2: Now y'all are ready to rail the iPhone at any time from any other iOS device. In order to track it, launch the 'Find My iPhone' app on any Apple device. Y'all can at present enter the Apple ID of the iPhone you lot wish to track.

Stride three: Y'all will meet the list of all the devices that are connected to that Apple ID. You can click on the device that you want to monitor, and its location will open on the map for you.

While this method is as gratuitous as it tin exist, yous might accept noticed at that place are no extra features or whatever stealth whatever.

Role 5: How to Track An Android Phone

If Apple tree is offering the Discover My iPhone app for tracking an iPhone location, how can Android devices exist far behind? To catch up, Google offers its own app for tracking any Android phone.

It is similar to Find My iPhone (even in the proper name, which you lot are nigh to detect out). Yous tin can use it to rail any Android device you want and whenever you want. Yet, y'all should know that if you lot are using this method to track someone'southward location, they are going to know nearly it.

5.1 Find My Device- Remote Android Location Tracker

Find My Device is the Android'south respond to tracking a phone location remotely. If you are a tech geek, you might retrieve Notice My Device as it was earlier called- Android Device Director.

In lodge to utilise the Notice My Device feature for learning an Android telephone location, you will demand to have their Google ID username and password. More often than not, the just Google ID countersign you are going to have is only yours. Therefore, this method is generally used for learning a lost phone's location.

5.ii Steps to Track an Android Device

In order to track your Android phone'south location using Find My Device, you should follow these steps:

Footstep 1: Launch the Playstore in any Android phone and install the app called 'Find My Device'.

Step ii: Launch the app and enter the Google credentials of the telephone that you lot wish to track. Y'all will see the devices associated with that Google account. You tin can click on the device that you wish to track.

(Photo : https://images.idgesg.cyberspace/images/article/2017/08/discover-my-device-android-phone-app-100732043-big.jpg )

Footstep 3: You volition see a map with the location of the target cell phone.

As yous might have noticed, there are no farther options available and no other data y'all can view most the other phone. Further, this choice does not offering you any secrecy at all.

Part vi: Which Location Tracking Method Should I Use?

At present that you know all the ways to track a cell phone location, the question comes- which cell phone tracking method should I apply? Well, I have made things simple for you lot:

  • If you lot want a phone tracking solution that offers you a lot of other features and does everything secretly, without the other person finding out almost information technology, Minspy is the manner to go. Y'all will be amazed at all the things you tin practice with it, especially when we talk about keeping your relationships condom.

  • If you lot want a cell telephone number tracking solution that can permit you know about the whereabouts and identity of a missed caller, Zosearch is the ideal method of choice. It will give you lot data about people that you never imagined was possible. It works completely free.

  • If you desire a gratis phone location tracker to rails your lost telephone, Notice My iPhone (for iOS devices) and Find My Device (for Android devices) is the manner to go. Continue in heed that you do not get to use these methods without the other person finding out about it.


Now yous know how to track a cell phone location, all that is left for you to practice is to try out the methods that I described above based on what you need. No thing which method you choose, you will be thanking me afterward.

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